Reproducing Results

Please follow these instructions to reproduce the results.

(1) Downloading the Dataset

Please download and uncompress the following files:

The paper dataset file contains the inputs and outputs of the experiments mentioned in the paper, while the full dataset file contains the inputs of all the experiments. Notice that the paper dataset is a representative sample of the full dataset.

The file structure of the paper dataset file is:


The relevant files/directories are the following:

  • paper_dataset - the input directory
  • result_summary.csv - the results file
  • topology_zoo - the Internet topology zoo dataset

(2) Running the Code

For convenience, we set up an Oktopus docker to run the experiment

Get the docker:

docker pull charlee593/oktopus

To run the paper dataset:

docker run --rm -it -v="$PWD:/home" okevaluation run_sfc\
-o paper_dataset_input_output/paper_dataset\ 

To run the full dataset:

docker run --rm -it -v="$PWD:/home" okevaluation run_sfc\
-o full_dataset_input/full_dataset\ 